Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Datnioides microlepis - Indonesian Tiger

     1) Provide lots of hiding spots with driftwood or dense vegetation.This provides security and encourages a stable condition where the fish shows its stripes more clearly. If its stressed, it will appear dark in colour and the stripes will not be visible. However, this set-up requires a lot of maintenance.

    2) Keep it in a bare tank. When the fish gets used to its new environment, it will start to show its normal colours, however it will get spooked easily. This set-up is easy to maintain and it displays the fish always as compared to the fish hiding behind a piece of driftwood.

    It is a predatory species, therefore feed it live foods like guppies or platies. Larger ITs can take larger feeders like goldfishes or catfishes. It can be trained to take frozen bloodworms or Market prawns. Keep the feeders healthy as it may transmit diseases to the IT.

   This species grow quite large, so keep it in a larger sized tank. Temperature of the water should be around 22-28 C . Keep in mildly acidic conditions around 6pH.

   It is a peaceful species and is best kept with other predatory species such as an arowana or feshwater stingrays. It can also be kept with bichirs. DO not keep it with fishes that can fit into its mouth as it will eat them.

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