Conditioning the pair :
Feed the pair live foods and keep the water clean. You can do this by changing the water daily and make sure the water is dechlorinated or conditioned before use. Ketapang leaves may be used in the water.
1) Use a medium sized tank ( 2-3 gallon)
2) Use a cut cup or piece of plastic to cover the bubble nest
3) Provide something for the female to hide in ( e.g flower pot, java fern/moss)
4) Make sure to have a bare bottomed tank so that the male can pick up and find the eggs easily.
During Breeding
Do not feed your pair when they are in the breeding tank and try not to disturb them. Leave them together for a maximum of 3 days if you see no eggs in the bubblenest. If you see eggs in the nest, remove the female and leave the male to take care of the eggs. The fries will hatch in about 2-3 days. Let the female rest and recover from the torn fins and maybe some wounds caused by the male. During his period make sure he water is clean to prevent fin rot and diseases.
Taking care of the fries
After the fries are free-swimming, remove the male and start feeding the male some foods so he can regain some weight . Feed the fries micro-worms , baby brine shrimp or water fleas. Change half or one -third of the water daily so that the fries can grow fast. Once the fries grow larger you can start feeding them what you feed your adult bettas. Start separating the males after around 3 months to prevent them from fighting with each other. You can keep them together if you have a large tank , but after separating them for some time they tend to get aggressive so don't put them together.
( The tiny black spots are the eyes of the fries that are not free swimming yet )
Feed the pair live foods and keep the water clean. You can do this by changing the water daily and make sure the water is dechlorinated or conditioned before use. Ketapang leaves may be used in the water.
1) Use a medium sized tank ( 2-3 gallon)
2) Use a cut cup or piece of plastic to cover the bubble nest
3) Provide something for the female to hide in ( e.g flower pot, java fern/moss)
4) Make sure to have a bare bottomed tank so that the male can pick up and find the eggs easily.
During Breeding
Do not feed your pair when they are in the breeding tank and try not to disturb them. Leave them together for a maximum of 3 days if you see no eggs in the bubblenest. If you see eggs in the nest, remove the female and leave the male to take care of the eggs. The fries will hatch in about 2-3 days. Let the female rest and recover from the torn fins and maybe some wounds caused by the male. During his period make sure he water is clean to prevent fin rot and diseases.
Taking care of the fries
After the fries are free-swimming, remove the male and start feeding the male some foods so he can regain some weight . Feed the fries micro-worms , baby brine shrimp or water fleas. Change half or one -third of the water daily so that the fries can grow fast. Once the fries grow larger you can start feeding them what you feed your adult bettas. Start separating the males after around 3 months to prevent them from fighting with each other. You can keep them together if you have a large tank , but after separating them for some time they tend to get aggressive so don't put them together.
( The tiny black spots are the eyes of the fries that are not free swimming yet )
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